Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Shaunda's At Home Natural Hair care Tips.

Being Natural can be a headache sometimes. You'll notice that your hair may be drying out more often , and you're probably experiencing more breakage. Looking for the right product for your texture can be draining....emotionally draining and financially draining! Usually, its the kinkyer textures that may experience this problem. Women with a looser curl pattern don't really suffer the same issues....(get where I'm going here?) The curlier your hair is , the more drying it will be. Just as the straighter your hair texture is, the more moisture it will retain. This dryness is due to the cuticles of your hair being raised when your strands are coiling, the bending will cause the cuticle to pop up which allows air to invade the strand . Straight hair allows the cuticle to lay flat causing moisture to remain within the strand. This is why you will have to apply heavy moisturizing products after shampooing your coily hair. Here are some tips to help alleviate the dryness.

1) Brush and detangle your hair with a vent brush or paddle brush
2) Shampoo your hair with hot temperature water that you feel comfortable with
3) Lightly towel blot hair
4) Mix a cream conditioner with castor oil , aloe vera and or vitamin E ( these products are rich in omega 9 fatty acids and will moisturize hair and promote growth by reducing breakage )
 - Apply mix to hair in an upward and downward motion section by section from ends to scalp to force the cream under the cuticles.
5) Place plastic processing cap or plastic shopping bag on hair and massage for 5 minutes, then let it condition for 20  minutes
6) Remove cap and rinse hair under cool water until all of the conditioner is removed. ( cool water rinsing will lock in the moisture from the conditioner and oils)
7) Lightly towel blot and apply a light moisturizing cream
8) Style
Do this once per week and you will notice a huge difference...more softness and manageability!
Below are some really great conditioners that I recommend for at home conditioning treatments as well as my all time go to blow drier for super silky blow outs!! These are the best prices I could find!


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